Championnat Ouvert en Programmation |
Critères d'éligibilité - Tout étudiant universitaire ou du secondaire ayant des compétences de base en algorithmique peut participer au championnat individuel. Les étudiants de France, de Biélorussie, d'Ukraine, de Turquie, du Kazakhstan et des pays du Caucase du Sud sont également invités à participer.
L'inscription est possible du 29 juin au 6 juillet. Le lien d'inscription sera communiqué plus tard.
Les organisateurs de l’événement sont les sociétés de programmation Altasoft et Soften.
Pour se faire une idée des exercices demandés durant les championnats précédents, veuillez suivre le lien ci-dessous :
English version
On Tuesday 21.07.2020 at 19:00 (Tbilisi time) Franco-Georgian program in computer science organizes the Annual Open Personal Championship in programming. Competition will be held remotely on an online platform and participants will have 4 hours to show their skills using ICPC rules (Same rules used among International Programming Championship). During the competition, it will be possible to use the following programming languages: C/C++, Java, Kotlin, C#, Python.
Eligibility Criteria - Any University or High school student with basic skills in algorithmics can take part in our Open Personal Championship. Students from France, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey, Kazakhstan, South Caucasus countries are also invited for participation.
Registration is possible for June 29 to July 6. The registration link will be provided later.
The following programming companies are the event organisers: Altasoft and Softgen.
Eligibility Criteria - Any University or High school student with basic skills in algorithmics can take part in our Open Personal Championship. Students from France, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey, Kazakhstan, South Caucasus countries are also invited for participation.
Registration is possible for June 29 to July 6. The registration link will be provided later.
The following programming companies are the event organisers: Altasoft and Softgen.
For the examples of tasks please follow the link: